Healthy Living In A Technology Driven Digital Age

People living today, in this digital age, have access to more technology at their fingertips than at any other time in humanity’s history. Just a few examples of this are the ability to book a massage on demand in your home or hotel room at any time that you want, often within a few hours, the ability to track and monitor your steps with a Fitbit, and the ability to track your food choices and make sure you make the healthiest choices possible.

When you think about it, massage delivery is extremely good for your health, your fitness, and your overall healthy feeling. If you have lower back pain, if you have pain in your shoulders and arms from hunching over a desk, or if you have pain in your wrists from constantly using the computer, a good massage session can help with all of these issues and more. In home massage has a very large amount of evidence behind it, showing that it is helpful for all different kinds of health conditions, including diabetes, ADD/ADHD, anxiety, and addiction. While the mechanism is not understood, the evidence is still there.

Massage Therapy by WistechColleges by CC

Another technological innovation that people of today love is the FitBit or SmartWatch. These little devices help you to track how many steps you take in a day, and can help you to get more exercise into your daily life. Many people have lost weight, become more physically fit and active, and gotten more done in a day by tracking what they are doing. This helps them to become more aware of what they are doing, and as they do this, they do more of the right things.

There are also several apps that allow you to count your calories, and make sure that you get better nutrition in your daily diet. MyFitnessPal and LoseIt! are two examples of this. However, not everyone that uses a nutrition tracking app is trying to lose weight. Some people are trying to make sure that they intake the appropriate number of calories and the correct nutritional elements, and some people, such as athletes and body builders, are actually trying to gain weight. Both of these are worthy goals, made all the more simple by the new technology that is available to everyone, in most cases for free.

Fitbit by Mike Mozart by CC

There are undoubtedly many other examples of the ways that technology has made it easier to live a healthy life, and these are but a few. The takeaway is that technology can be useful and helpful to those trying to live a healthier and more balanced life in this digital age. It has never been easier to make sure you are making the healthiest choices and the healthiest activities.

What is Couples Massage?

For those who don’t know, Couples Massage is another name for side-by-side massage. The massage recipients need not even be a couple. They could be two friends, team-mates, siblings, a parent and child, anyone, really. It’s an easy way to get acquainted with therapeutic massage.

We live in a no-touch culture, sadly. This has devastating effects on us all. Why is this the case? Possible because touch and affection are associated with sexuality. We don’t understand that physical closeness is essential, whereas people in most other cultures, do.

Winter Love by KαTrΙn0 HεαvεN by CC

So, when you are planning your first massage, it’s a good idea to schedule a couples massage. Because someone you know and trust is in the room, right beside you, it’s just that much easier. Doing things alone is tough. When someone is along for the ride,  it’s not an issue, really.

How it works is like this: Two people get massaged at once by two therapists. That’s it. The therapists come to your house, if it’s an in-home session. They set up portable massage tables. You and your massage partner disrobe to your level of comfort while the LMTs go in the bathroom to wash their hands. You get under a sheet. That’s it. Simple.

Of course, you never have to get undressed in front of anyone! And, only the part of the body is exposed. That’s what massage therapists refer to as “draping.” It means that you can feel alright if you’re shy or uncomfortable in front of others.

Tyler and Kara by kris krug by CC

The therapists use oil during a couples massage, like most other massages. Of course, if you opt for no oil, that works, too. Just let the LMT know what you prefer before the session starts. Or, if the oil feels weird, inform them, and request that the remainder of the session be performed without oil.  No problem.

Couples massages are for anyone, as stated above. But when in a romantic relationship, it’s a great way to spend time with your loved one. People do so many things together, but most forget to spend time together de-stressing and relaxing, except maybe on vacation. Take the time to schedule a couples massage if you haven’t ever gone for a massage before. It’s a great way to learn about massage, and a fun experience shared with someone close to  you, as well.

Kids Can Learn To Make Better Choices, In Daily Life And At Kids Parties. Here Is How

Most parties for your kids offer a plethora of unhealthy options for them, with pretty much nothing that makes you feel good, or that will make you kids feel better in the long term. Junk food such as potato chips and soda, still dominate at almost every party for kids that you little ones will attend. When you consider that most kids attend at least one party every weekend, this is definitely something that makes it harder for you to instill the ability to make healthy choices in them. So what is a parent to do?

Birthday Party Cupcakes by ND Strupler by CC

You can start by making the parties that you throw for your kids healthier and full of better choices. Some kids spa parties feature facials for children that are all natural, using only healthy ingredients. These same parties also can offer chocolate fondue with fruit for dipping. While the chocolate is a bit iffy in terms of being a healthy choice, it also becomes a reason for your kids to get their fruit servings every day.

Birthday Party by ND Strupler (CC)

Another idea is to help your kids understand why it is so important for them to eat healthier. With what has been called an epidemic of obesity among the youngest members of society, this has never been more important. They need to understand that the choices they make today will stay with them for years to come, making it easier or more difficult to be and stay healthy, depending on the choices they make.

If you send your kids to another parent’s party, you have a lot less choice over what they will be able to eat. But you can specially request that there be vegetable and fruit choices there for them to possibly pick when having their snack. You can also send them with their own fruit platter to share with their friends, if you find that they like to eat fruit. Some kids love to eat fruits, some love to eat veggies, and some will just eat chips if they are offered, especially if they aren’t allowed to eat these things at home. That’s why it’s also important to not restrict their diets at home too severely, as then they are more likely to make bad choices when mom and dad aren’t around.

Fruit by Marcia O'Connor by CC

They can be taught that moderation is important, such as eating one serving of chips, and then having another serving of fruit. This way it is balanced. That it certainly critical and important, and it is likely to help them in the long run to have a healthier diet over time, and to understand the importance of making good food choices. The better that you teach them when they are young, the more likely they are to continue to have healthy habits as they get older. As our bodies grow, we become less able to eat unhealthy food without consequence, so the timing of such lessons is crucial. The better you teach them, both with words and with example, the better off they will be later in their lives.

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